Bob Flanagan

Worcester’s Bob Flanagan, of the Ron Kovic chapter of Veterans for Peace, was profiled this week in Worcester Magazine:

. . . the Vietnam War was going on and we had a friend, Flipper, and he joined the Marine Corps and he never came home; he was blown away. Then there was another guy in Westboro, then Georgie Adams and Paul Bellino. About six or seven guys I knew as a kid never came home. Probably being the sensitive type, I never knew what to do with the anger.

Bob’s weekly vigil at the Armed Forces Recruiting Center in Worcester, Massachusetts, was profiled at Worcester Indymedia. Bob’s also active with the Worcester Veteran’s Shelter.

Today is a notable one for counter-recruitment activists, as the U.S. Army has suspended all recruiting for the day in order to “emphasize proper conduct” to recruiters who have been accused of conning potential recruits.

Bob Flanagan vigils against war at the Recruiting Center in Worcester, Mass.

Bob Flanagan, of Veterans for Peace, vigils against war at the Armed Forces Recruiting Center in Worcester, Massachusetts. Photo: Mike Benedetti.

9 thoughts on “Bob Flanagan”

  1. I am editing this comment, because I’ve finally found a partial answer to Kaihsu’s question.

    According to an article on the Catholic Peace Fellowship website:

    Last Friday, May 20th, the U.S. Army ordered its 7,500 recruiters to participate in what it called a “values stand down day.” During this day, recruiters quit their desperate attempts to lure young people into the Army and instead gathered with other recruiters to watch a video from the Army’s senior recruiting officer Maj. Gen Michael Rochelle, reaffirm their oath to the Army, and discuss recruiting practices. The reason for this highly publicized stand down day was the hundreds of recent allegations of misconduct made against recruiters. Everything from threatening young folks with arrest, to helping possible recruits cheat on drug tests. Such allegations were not surprising to us. Our work answering calls from the GI Rights Hotline brings us into contact daily with young folks who tell stories of recruiters lying and threatening them with imprisonment or with a ruined future if they do not enlist. Others tell us of promises made by recruiters about life in the military, promises that they realize are false as soon as they arrive at boot camp.

    This guy draws some parallels between military and civilian recruiting, and the ethical lapses of recruiters.

  2. To tell the truth, I understand that their are bad apples out there,
    but that vast majority of recruiters like myself does the right thing
    when they are out there recruiting these young men and women.

    I love the army and the recruiting command, and be asuured that the
    overwhelming majority of us will always do the right thing when where
    out there recruiting.

  3. Bob Flanagan is a very intellectual being. His views on the world and how things should be make my soul soar. His involvment in the community is truly an inspiration.

  4. my father is a very sensitive and intelligent man. I believe i’ve inherrited these quallities from him. I am beginning to become more active in political issues.I have always been outspoken and will not back down from what i believe in. Another prominent irish characteristic.
    I support bob it’s just too bad I haven’t spoken to him in years!

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