On the front page of today’s Telegram & Gazette is an article about how Donna has closed the Mustard Seed Catholic Worker soup kitchen for a week, because she needs a break.
I don’t hang out at the Mustard Seed, but it’s my impression that closing the Seed is not news; it’s something she does several times a year. I talked to a couple Mustard Seed habitues today, and confirmed this.
“She closes all the time. Why are you asking me about this?”
It’s on the front page of today’s paper.
“You’re [kidding] me!”
So why does this make the paper? The article describes a note left on the door:
I would advise you to open up the doors for the hungry people who come there soon. Thank You.
If you don’t, I’m going to the newspapers and see what else can be done about this.
Obscenities have been omitted from this article in respect for the fine work done six days a week at the Mustard Seed.