Love in practice is a harsh and dreadful thing compared to love in dreams.
Tamar Hennessey, daughter of Dorothy Day, has died
Source: Catholic Worker e-mail list, sent by Tamar’s daughter Martha.
One thought on “Tamar Hennessey, daughter of Dorothy Day, has died”
I am very sad to hear of Tamar’s death. I am the Grandchild of Percival Spier, the brother of Franklin Spier who was married to Dorothy’s sister Della. I met Dorothy as a child when she visited us in Yonkers NY and have always thought of her as a brilliant woman who worked for the good of all mankind. I always wondered what had become of her child and didn’t find out till i did some searching for Dorothy on Utube.
Aaaah, the internet. I wonder what Dorothy could have done with it.
Well i wish her family well and hope they realize they are not alone in the loss, the world loses as well.
I am very sad to hear of Tamar’s death. I am the Grandchild of Percival Spier, the brother of Franklin Spier who was married to Dorothy’s sister Della. I met Dorothy as a child when she visited us in Yonkers NY and have always thought of her as a brilliant woman who worked for the good of all mankind. I always wondered what had become of her child and didn’t find out till i did some searching for Dorothy on Utube.
Aaaah, the internet. I wonder what Dorothy could have done with it.
Well i wish her family well and hope they realize they are not alone in the loss, the world loses as well.