508 is a show about Worcester. This week’s panel includes Brendan “Buck Paxton” Melican and Bruce “Snow Ghost” Russell.
Ralph “Ralph’s” Moberly has died. People worldwide have fond memories of that bar, but it doesn’t get a lot of respect in Worcester.
The building HBML rents in is getting foreclosed. Read their blog for the latest updates on finding a new location (or making do with the current one). The hip literary enterprise McSweeney’s is encouraging people worldwide to help them. Despite this kind of attention, HBML doesn’t get a lot of respect in Worcester.
Bruce used to think this was a picture of Mike Leslie:
The Dive Bar isn’t moving to its new location/name till at least June.
Our friend Dave is on the cover of Worcester Magazine; he doesn’t like the photo.
Artigo/Ajemian Films continues to raise money for their project “We Got the Beat.”
Nothing much happened at this week’s hearing about the American Antiquarian Society vs. the Montvale Historical District. (You might listen to the opening for a detailed explanation of the issues.) The AAS is asking supportive Worcester residents to sign a petition against the expansion of the historical district.
Mike has been unable to entice people to public hearings with offers of free beer; asking people to trade printouts of Jacob Berendes e-mails for beer has worked great, though.
You, too can leave a voice message to be played on the show. Just call 508-471-3897.
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Hey, Mike, did you see that you made Carol Zimmerman’s syndicated CNS column inside the Catholic Free Press this week? You’re all over the country! Good for you!
I usually read the Free Press Sunday at my friends’ house, but their issue didn’t arrive this week. Here’s the article: