508 is a show about Worcester. This week’s panel includes Brendan Melican and Bruce Russell.
The march for criminal records (CORI) reform went well; WCCA has the kickoff and the Metro reported along the way. The Telegram & Gazette reports that legislative efforts are hung up in committee. We hear Gary Rosen (who Brendan praises for his wiley ways) speak up for CORI reform.
Brendan comments on this quote from Police Chief Gemme:
The single most effective way to reduce fear…is foot patrols.
Mike brings in this quote from Bill Randell:
Do me a favor walk around the Commons some day and even walk into the street level of City Hall. Do you feel safe, or better yet would you want your mother walking around by herself? I would not.
The locally-produced film “We Got the Beat” is now looking for actors! Mike talks Bruce into auditioning. Brendan mentions the Bruce Willis film now shooting in Worcester.
Please find this man a speaking role.
Worcester Magazine still hasn’t mentioned Charter’s plans to sell data about its internet customers.
John Monfredo wrote an article about keeping your kids safe on the net in the InCity Times; Brendan ridicules this article. A listener takes issue with Cory Doctorow’s portrayal of Tor in Little Brother. (Mike mentions counter-measures used against British Telecom that he now can’t find….)
WCCA’s contract with the City has been extended a few months, giving more time to hammer out a long-term contract. Sheriff Guy Glodis was on WCCA and at least mentioned the federal report on the county jail.
Worcester City employee salaries won’t increase for the moment. Mike suggests the City Manager’s salary be a multiple of the median income in Worcester.
We finish up with a pledge drive from maximumfun.org.
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You know, maybe my standards are just different than Bill’s, but I walk the Common and the sidewalks around it often (usually to and from City Hall and the library), frequently with my children, and I honestly have never felt unsafe. I’ve even been out there late after the City Council gets out, and, still, no problem.
In fact, I’ve rarely felt unsafe in Worcester (and it usually was from crazy drivers rather than anything else!).