508 is a show about Worcester. This week’s panel is Tina Zlody, Jeff Barnard, and Brendan Melican.
Tina talks about the upcoming arts festival stART on the Street, Sunday September 21, 2008, 11am – 5pm, Park Avenue, between Highland and Pleasant Streets, Worcester, MA.
We talk about agenda items for Worcester in the coming year. Jeff agrees with Jordan Levy that swapping out our old city councilors would be helpful. Brendan would like to see councilors focus on improving owner-occupancy rates rather than criminalizing hot dogs and marijuana. Mike would like city government to admit that it has a transparency problem, then fix the problem, perhaps beginning by making city meetings available on the web. (Related: Begging states to try to enforce ridiculous assertion that the law is copyrighted.)
Yesterday’s protest at Worcester’s Bank of America got complicated. Our friend Sarah Loy clarifies the situation of the local ACLU. The InCity Times is standing on the verge of getting a website. Comments from Worcesteria, Brendan, and Worcesterite. (Sometime this morning Rosalie began phoning around with legal threats–see the updated Worcesteria post.)
Mike recommends this video of a Bone Zone show.
In the new segment “Bruce Is Incorruptible,” Mike and Bruce Russell review Burrito Taylor’s Major Burritos.
Theme song: “Angels Soaring Past (I Realize It Now)” by Stale Urine.
Speaking of whistleblowing, KH suggests: https://wikileaks.org/ in addition to http://archive.org/ and http://indymedia.org/
Q: Is the controversial column in today’s InCity Times?
A: No. This week’s RT article and cover story is a great profile of Jesse Pack (who appeared on 508 #23).
BoneZone will be playing stART on the Street this year!