The Agape Community, in the woods about 35 miles from Worcester, has been more-or-less closed for the past year, while core members and residents Suzanne Belote Shanley and Brayton Shanley have been on sabbatical (their first in decades).
That sabbatical officially ends this Saturday with the annual St. Francis Day celebration.
The Raging Grannies at St. Francis Day in 2006
“Breaking the Silence: Unheard Voices in an Election Year”
Saturday Oct. 4, 2008
Promptly at 10 A.M. – 4 P.M. rain or shineMulticultural Voices: Youth Panel on Hope and Faith
Community Dialogue: Women of Faith and Election Year Politics
Demonstrations–solar energy, vegetable oil fueled car, straw-bale house, compost toilet, and organic garden.
Bring your lunch and a dish for the Pot Luck dinner.
Tribute to Tom Lewis – artist and member of Catonsville 9
Agape Community 2062 Greenwich Rd, Ware
Highly recommended. These folks let me take a retreat there this summer, for which I am very grateful.