508 #133: A sober look at bank reform

508 is a show about Worcester. This week, some fat cats talk about banking reform.


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[0:00] Music.

[3:30] Three “fat cats” discuss banking reform and their support for US Rep candidate Marty Lamb. For a contrasting policy view, see A New Way Forward.

[11:55] More music.

[18:10] Mike feels bad about people piling on Marty Lamb, since the guy is going to get destroyed in the election.

[19:07] Why did Worcester Magazine say “This year, even McGovern’s in trouble”? Why should any but the most enthusiastically partisan work on campaigns when the results are predicted to be so lopsided?

[19:38] Brendan makes the case for working on these campaigns.

[21:50] Why does the T&G’s ElectionNet blog say that “Central Massachusetts is a key battleground in the 2010 election cycle”? Brendan makes the case for this claim.

[24:47] Music.

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