508 is a show about Worcester. This week’s panel is Brendan Melican.[display_podcast]
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[0:08] Brendan’s candidate, Steve Grossman, won the race for MA Treasurer.
[4:36] On Monday there was a Tea Party rally, and a counter-rally, in Worcester.
[15:30] Mike reads feedback.
[17:20] Jim McGovern won re-election as US Rep. Is he our most metal Congressman?
[19:00] McGovern didn’t do as well as one might expect.
[24:11] We think he’s, on-balance, a good Congressman.
[29:57] “Spammin’ John” Mahoney was elected state rep.
[30:30] Paul Franco, Mahoney’s opponent, actually linked to Mike’s “un-dorsement” of Mahoney. (Mike ended up endorsing a third candidate in the race, Ron Madnick.) We spend some time criticizing a local radio guy for stealing the term “un-dorse,” but of course it predates our coinage.
[33:30] Newspaper endorsements: Bump got none, still won auditor’s race.
[36:05] Should you vote? We’ll take this more seriously next time it comes up. Brendan mentions the George Carlin routine below.
[37:36] If we’re still doing the show next election, we’ll try some of the idea’s in Jay Rosen’s The Citizens Agenda in Campaign Coverage.
[42:00] What happens when 508 has no 30-minute time limit? We end up talking about The Wire.
[46:40] Idependent Jim Henderson lost the Secretary of State race to incumbent Bill Galvin.
Thanks for the love! The only mental damage so far was having to suffer through that bow tie
Agriculture. I would say in a theoretical poll on civic issues that how we can empower Worcesterites to live more sustainably should be a principle issue in this campaign. Support creative solutions!
Also, Omar. Maybe Bunny. Or Prez. And Gus Haynes. Plus Bunk.
The quote about Galvin (“Because Galvin is like the Nothing. It can only be stopped if a boy in an attic gives it a name.”) came from MassBeacon.
I’d be interested to hear Mike’s reasons for not voting, but — let’s be blunt — we’re not living in Burma, and there’s no military junta here that’s fixing elections. I always recommend showing up to vote and casting a blank ballot (or, my preferred method, the Brewster’s Millions choice). Not voting shows apathy. Showing up and casting a ballot, whether it’s blank, or “None of the Above”, or whatever, shows that you’re displeased with your choices. It is perhaps a minor difference, but one that I feel is important. I’m glad people are calling you out for it. I’d rather hear about work being done to make none of the above part of our ballots than the no-vote method.
The Party Harder people need more David Guetta.
I have not watched The Wire, because I’m about ten years behind in my TV-watching, though now (because of Luther) I’m obsessed with Idris Elba and will try to catch up.
Spamming John Mahoney is about as intelligent as a bag of rocks.
Franco was on active duty until just under 4 months before the election
His campaign started when he returned from active duty. So in less than 4 months he took 35% overall, won Paxton and took more votes from W10-Pct3 than any other Republican.
You should interview Mahoney and you will see why the T&G would not endorse him again. There isn’t much there beyond the liberal platitudes.