This week’s show is a “highlight reel” of the late Jeff Barnard’s appearances on the show. Produced by Mike Benedetti and Nicole. Co-hosted by Brendan Melican. Featuring Jacob Berendes, Kevin Ksen, Anne Lewenberg, Nat Needle, Bruce Russell, and Scott Zoback. Like the episodes from which it was compiled, this show has a tremendous amount of complaining about the newspaper.
This program will be cablecast on WCCA TV13 in Worcester at 7pm tonight, and on the homepage at
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Video: Downloads and other formats
Clips from episodes 10, 19, 37, 38, 40, 42, 46, 47, 50, 51, 100, 114, and 131.
a fitting tribute to an amazing worcesterite. well done, Mike (et al).
I was going to say, “As always, excellent job,” but in this case, it’s really an especially good job. Thank you, Mike.
the show was quite moving