Lent begins tomorrow. I hope you’ve had plenty of time to think about how you’ll spend the most DIY season of the church year.
My plan for Lent 2012:
- Fasting: I am giving up about a dozen “comforting distractions.” As a vegan, I’ll be giving up soy rather than meat on Fridays.
- Prayer: I like the idea of using a daily prayer book, but after 30 years of experimenting I haven’t found anything that really clicks for me. Recently I’ve been using Give Us This Day, and that’s what I’ll be using this Lent.
- Almsgiving: File under MINE OWN BEESWAX.
Some years I gorge on “Lenten resources.” This year, mass, Give Us This Day, and my own community will suffice. Secular Lenten observers might enjoy Jacob Berendes’s Lent essay, and Susan Stabile has a nice roundup of resources for Christians.