Today begins Holy Week, known to me as “a grand liturgical celebration,” known to many children as “the week we spend too much time in church.”
Here’s the schedule for St. Peter’s & St. Andrew’s in Worcester, which I am posting as much for my own reference as anything else.
Holy Thursday: 7pm mass at St. Peter’s. The big multi-lingual mass. Afterwards, eucharistic adoration at both St. Peter’s and St. Andrew’s, then visiting 7 other churches as a parish.
Good Friday: Separate from the parish, the SS. Francis & Therese Catholic worker will have their annual “contemporary” stations of the cross, gathering at 52 Mason St at 11:30am. “Join us in a walk to reflect on contemporary examples of Christ’s suffering. Soup and bread to follow.”
On the parish level, stations of the cross inside St. Peter’s at noon, followed by outdoor stations beginning at St. Peter’s School at 2pm.
7pm liturgy at St. Andrew’s.
Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil mass 7.30pm at St. Peter’s.
Easter Sunday: Regular mass schedule, including 11:30am African mass at St. Andrew’s.