508 is a show about Worcester. This week we talk a lot about the Worcester VegFest and the local competitive beer pong scene, too much about the Tea Party and the Forts kid, and just the right amount about the police chief’s Twitter account.
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You can watch 508 Fridays at 7pm on WCCA TV13.
[0:33] The Forts kid.
[2:24] Sweater Polyathlon.
[3:18] Pro beer pong.
[5:08] 300 people at Tea Party event. 3,000(?) at Worcester VegFest.
[11:22] Stand Against Racism, 3pm, Common, April 27.
[11:55] How to get Mike to loan you money.
[12:20] Paris Cinema facade is gone.
[13:30] Chief Gemme’s Twitter acct is gone. Brendan mounts a passionate defense of the Chief’s tweeting. GoLoco coverage, T&G coverage, Jim Kersten.
Is there ever a conversation with Brendan that DOESN’T end with the John Birch Society?
The chief has no idea what Portlandia is. And Portlandia would be great if it were funny (it only occasionally is).
I would like to submit that there are plenty of people who share your passion in The Wire. I personally am enjoying watching it as HBO On Demand releases four episodes a month.
Great show this month. Actually it was really fucking good. I want Melican to run for mayor and at least end up on the council. The kid is too smart for just vlogging, and would provide a Carcetti-like presence on the council (talking season 3-4 here, not season 5).