508 is a show about Worcester. This week’s panel is Chris Robarge and Brendan Melican.
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You can watch 508 Fridays at 7pm on WCCA TV13.
Chris recaps the October 11 Election Commission meeting that was a follow-up on problems with the recent Worcester primary, most of them surrounding voters being put on the “inactive voter” list and Tea Party pollwatchers being kicked out of the polls. If you are a Worcester voter you can check your status here and you’ll have plenty of time to fix any problems.
Quick panhandling update. Summary: still panhandlers, still no anti-panhandling ads.
We recap what’s known about the Andrianopoulos kidnapping and expect the story will become less confusing when Christina returns to the US this weekend.
Chris Robarge is great — smart and easy to understand. Please keep him coming on the show!