“The love of God breaks through that fatal withdrawal into ourselves which is indifference.” —Pope Francis
Lent: A time of prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and projects.
Project #1: What are you giving up for Lent this year?
This year I’m keeping it simple: no coffee.
Project #2: What extra meditations are you adding to your life this season?
I’m keeping it simpler than other years, but still a bit complicated. Inspired by Rod Dreher, and with the support of my Dante book club, I’ll be reading the Purgatorio (Divine Comedy, Part II).
Assuming all of the above goes according to plan, it should be a successful Lent. For those looking for more resources, Susan Stabile always posts great stuff. I am going to fight the temptation to browse these resources when I should be reading Dante. I will especially avoid spending too much time thinking about Forty for 40: A Literary Reader for Lent.
Beginning the journey through Purgatory: Gustav DorĂ©’s “Dante Kneeling Before Cato”