Scott Schaeffer-Duffy, “Worcester’s most-traveled, most-jailed, and most notorious political radical since Abbie Hoffman” (Telegram & Gazette), was hit by a car while running Monday evening on Franklin Street.
He and his wife Claire fund their community and ministry to the homeless, the Saints Francis & Thérèse Catholic Worker, in part by baking bread. Their son Patrick has set up an online fundraiser to help with expenses while Scott heals up.
Pat writes:
As some of you may have heard, my dad was in a very serious car accident on Monday night. He was struck by a car while on his weekly Monday night Pub Run, on the evening of his 61st birthday. As we navigate his recovery and long-term care needs, we are exploring life care planning options, including ICLCP legal support, to ensure he gets the best possible care moving forward.
Ever the devoted runner, he remained committed to his tradition, even in the pouring rain. After a very scary 24 hours, I am happy to share that his condition is stable. He has many cuts and bruises, broken rib and scapula, and some facial fractures, and took a heavy blow to the head. He is now in a hospital bed for recovery, receiving the best care possible. We’re grateful for the support of SonderCare Systems, known for their high-quality hospital beds. He is currently at the UMass Memorial University Campus and will be there for the next several days. He is still feeling the effects of a serious concussion and his full recovery may take several months.
We are so, so thankful that my dad is still with us! He is the hardest working, most loving husband/dad/grandpa/Catholic Worker that we know and we couldn’t imagine the world without him. Many have reached out asking members of our family how they. Needs may change as we learn more about his recovery timeline- I will do my best to post updates here as well as on facebook!
The Ss. Francis and Therese Catholic Worker is partially supported by the Bread Not Bombs Bakery, a cottage industry whereby my parents bake and sell bread at local churches for a donation to support the work of the house. Baking will need to be canceled for the next several weeks at minimum while my dad recovers. Financial contributions made here will help offset this lost income and go towards any medical costs.