508 is a show about Worcester. This week’s panel is Julius Jones and Brendan Melican.
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Video: mp4 download link, other formats
You can watch 508 Fridays at 7pm on WCCA TV13.
[0:57] Julius talks about a “Get Your Shine On!” dance party happening 9:30pm-1:45am Friday, June 3 at the Sahara, 143 Highland Street in Worcester.
[3:33] Train.
[4:17] Tornadoes in Massachusetts yesterday.
[6:35] June 4: Celebrate “National Trails Day” by repairing and exploring the trails at God’s Acre.
[7:35] Julius and Mike talk about the previously postponed nazi meeting in Worcester.
[9:24] Mike talks about some sort of melee that occurred at the library when three of them finally met there May 21, and a group of antifascists got rowdy. Some details of this account are confirmed by the partial report visible on the NEWP website. If anyone wants to go on the record about what happened, they are welcome to be on 508.
Update: Worcester Wired got some people who were there on the record. Among other errors that Mike made in his 508 summary, there were 9 or 10 (not 20) attackers, wearing bandannas, not ski masks.
[13:50] There are interesting articles in the InCity Times about the city budget and preventing foreclosures.
[15:42] TIFs and DIFs. What the hell?
Julius recommends this TED talk:
White pride group attacked: http://bit.ly/kxC9Nr
Noah: Nice job.
I’d still like to find out who the rabble-rousers are. If they are the same ones who showed up at the Tea Party — and I don’t know that they are — then someone knows who they are. They weren’t all that concealed.
I believe the phrase is largest port “not on a navigable waterway.”