The non-profit Participatory Culture Foundation is trying to raise extra donations as they push towards the 1.0 release of their open-source video player Democracy (Miro): “Because TV is too important to leave up to Microsoft and Apple.” (Cory Doctorow)
If you love this sweet piece of software (even my dad likes it), they’re asking you to “subscribe” and donate $5/month. In exchange, you’ll get a shirt with the new logo.
My philanthropy strategy is to give to my church first, then to Oxfam or UNICEF for childhood disease prevention, then to small groups that are doing effective work in areas where a little work has a big impact. These days, for me, those would include groups like Vegan Outreach, Electronic Frontier Foundation, and the PCF.
Perhaps you would care to Digg this project.
I actually stopped donating any money to my local church when I realized my money was going to defend the cover-up of pedophile priests in my diocese (Los Angeles). This was several years ago, and I decided that I would start donating to the church again once they came clean and I was assured that they weren’t trying to lie, cover up heinous crimes, and subject the public to more harm. I’m very disappointed that the issue remains unresolved and that the bishops haven’t only made half-steps towards fixing the issue. I didn’t realize it would go on this long.