Catholic Peace Fellowship has created a full-color counter-recruitment poster for Catholic schools.
Pie and Coffee has created a black & white, high-contrast version, suitable for printing, photocopying, and posting around your neighborhood.
- before_you_enlist.pdf (101kb)
Text copyright Catholic Peace Fellowship.
Before You Enlist–Think About This
The Military Wants You for War
Their priority is not your career. Since 9/11, a million Americans have been sent to war.
War Is Hell
One in five Iraq Vets reports being responsible for civilian deaths.
One in six has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.*
It’s on Your Conscience
Have you ever killed anyone? Have you ever seen anyone killed? Are you ready to kill?
The Church Supports Objection to War
Based on the ancient teaching Ecclesia abhorret a sanguine, the Church abhors bloodshed.
Jesus Refused to Kill
Can you follow his example in the military?
Are you signed up for the DEP but have changed your mind? DO NOT report for basic training, no matter what your recruiter tells you. To discuss this and other options, call a CPF counselor at (574) 232-2295.
* Source: The New England Journal of Medicine (July 2004)
Also see Bob Flanagan elsewhere in this blog.
I got this button ‘estudiantes sí | soldados no’ from a farmers’ market in Champaign, Illinois in mid-November. I think you can get it and other buttons and resources from Donnelly/Colt Progressive Resources.
Here is an image of the button saying ‘estudiantes sà | soldados no’.