Isaiah House Music Club
The LA Times reports that some of the kids from the Orange County Catholic Worker sang at Carnegie Hall!
Another friend attacked over gay rights
You’ll remember that back in December 2006, my friend Sarah Loy was reportedly assaulted at a pro/anti gay marriage event in Worcester. Earlier this week, Kaihsu’s friend Peter Tatchell was attacked at a gay rights event in Moscow. BBC:
Gay rights activist Peter Tatchell and singer Richard Fairbrass have expressed their shock after being punched by anti-homosexual protesters in Moscow.
Both men were hit on the head during a gay rights march on Sunday. Protesters attacked with kicks, punches and eggs.
Anne Marie Kaune profile
Nice article in Worcester Business Journal about the sometime Catholic Worker, healer of the poor, and St. Peter’s parishioner.
New Snow Ghost book: Many Wisdom
Download it from the Archive or buy it at HBML.
Snow Ghost Community Show #2: Dracula
Opposition to Worcester Wal-Mart continues
Greg Olson:
Cynical residents might call this a done deal. But it looks more and more like it was just a dumb deal.
This letter at Worcester First is interesting:
I e-mailed Mayor Konstantina B. Lukes, writing against the proposed Worcester Wal-Mart. A response came from Edward Gardella, assistant to the mayor, “She (Ms. Lukes) is in agreement with your sentiments, but it appears it’s too late for argument and the project will move on. Thank you for your concern.â€
I encourage the mayor and the city councilors to put on that ol’ Worcester smiley face, and not succumb to learned helplessness.
Scott Schaeffer-Duffy in the blogs
Writing about Cindy Sheehan’s withdrawal from the peace movement, Emily Spence namechecks Scott:
You, also, know that wars are very difficult to dismantle. As Scott Schaeffer-Duffy, a Catholic Worker, once explained to me—the violence is like pressurized magma just waiting to erupt. Once you tamp it down in one place on the planet, it will rise up on another. There seems no end to it.
Mike True on religion and non-theism
This week in Worcester Magazine, occasional Pie and Coffee contributor Emeritus Professor Michael D. True, Ph.D. and Doctor of Humane Letters (honoris causa) wades into the whole religion-vs-neoatheism debate:
The standard for evaluating organized religions should be not doctrines or dogmas laid down by hierarchies, but values embodied in the lives of great religious figures — the Buddha, Mahavira, Jesus, Mohammed, and their faithful disciplines, Francis of Assisi, Ramakrishna, and Dorothy Day.
More strong words from Pope on peace
You could write an article like this every week. Via Catholic Anarchy:
The Pope quoted from Tertullian: “The Christian cannot hate, not even his own enemies,†and then noted “the moral implication of the choice of faith,†that “proposes ‘nonviolence’ as the law of life.â€
Sunflower Chalice
Tony Lorenzen, who is mere days away from becoming The Reverend Tony Lorenzen, is back to blogging.
Peter Tatchell is the prospective parliamentary candidate in the Oxford East constituency for the Green Party of England and Wales.