The South Bend Catholic Worker today announced that they’re spinning off their drop-in center, Our Lady of the Road, as a nonprofit.
Mike Baxter announces the plans just before the end of mass at OLR.
They’re actively seeking donations to help them buy the drop-in center outright. You can’t make a tax-deductable donations at the moment, but you will soon be able to. Please contact for details.
OLR is open Friday and Saturday mornings, and is at 744 South Main Street in South Bend, Indiana. If you’d care to make a small donation right away, please bring by any of the following items:
- Coffee
- T-shirts
- Small canisters of shaving cream
- Dish soap
- Laundry soap
- Socks
- Trash bags (13 gal and 30 gal)
Grab yourself a cup of coffee while you’re there and hang out awhile.
For those of us not intimately involved in the hospitality non-business, what are the advantages and disadvantages of non-profit status? Or, why are most Catholic Worker houses not non-profit organizations?
There are a lot of different reasons. I’d say 2 biggies are:
* Hostility towards “the state.”
* The desire to “model” radical gospel living for others. One message the Catholic Worker Movement sends is that you don’t have to be in some special situation (monastery, non-profit corporation) to respond to the people around you with Christ-like love and mercy.
In this case, where they’re making the center, but not their community, a non-profit, I don’t think #2 applies. It’s one thing to say, “Anyone can open their home to the homeless.” But I don’t think anyone is trying to say, “Anyone can buy a huge warehouse and turn it into a laundromat/eatery.” (Some Catholic Workers would object to a large-scale project like this for just that reason.)
Adam, I’ll try to research this further and give you a more comprehensive answer.