Congrats to Claire and Scott Schaeffer-Duffy! Past recipients of the Paulist Center’s Isaac Hecker Award for Social Justice include Dorothy Day, Cesar Chavez, Sister Helen Prejean, Father Fred Enman, and Paul Farmer.
Ken Hannaford Ricardi, Claire Schaeffer-Duffy, Scott Schaeffer-Duffy
The 2007 Isaac Hecker Award for Social Justice will be presented to Claire and Scott on Sat., Sept. 29 during the 6pm mass. A reception will follow in the auditorium. The Schaeffer-Duffys founded the Sts. Francis & Therese Catholic Worker, a lay Catholic community which shelters the homeless, promotes peace and justice, prays and lives simply in community. The Schaeffer-Duffys’ lives have exemplified faithful living, risk taking, living in solidarity with the poor and leading others toward action on behalf of peace and justice.
See also:
- Father Isaac Hecker at Wikipedia
- SS. Francis & Thérèse: The first 20 years
- T&G article announcing the award (scroll down)
Cool. Congratulations!