by Jesse Lenney, with a lot of help from Judy Thorslund and Mike Lopez
The following is an example of what can be done by helping guys on the street who need a caring community to get back on their feet and out of homeless shelters and subway beds.
It’s been five years since I lived and worked at St. Joe’s [Rochester Catholic Worker house]. My good friend George McVey has asked me to share with you the promising new little community of which I am now a part.
Currently, there are 14 of us residing in two houses in the Market View Heights neighborhood of Rochester, all of whom were formerly homeless, and once a part of St. Joe’s community. Most work low wage service jobs. The low rent each person contributes allows the essential bills to be paid, and for our community to be self-sufficient. We do not rely on grants or other sources of income. We live on a shoestring budget and cannot afford extras, but the advantages of living in community are immense.
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