Coffee in Worcester: Boston Donuts

This week: Worcester’s Boston Donuts, on Park Avenue near Chandler Street.

Boston Donuts

Pie and Coffee: This week we have a special guest: Kevin Ksen. Because we’re talking about Boston Donuts, and Kevin is a Boston Donuts fan. Bruce is a Boston Donuts fan, too.

Bruce: The last coffee I had was excellent. Every drop that I had of that coffee, the egg nog coffee, it just like watered my mouth so much. It was just so delicious, and so smooth, and so good that I gotta go back and have another coffee sometime. It probably won’t be the egg nog, but . . . .

Kevin: I’ve tried a few. I can’t say I’ve done the egg nog thing. I’ve certainly done the usual assortment of French vanilla and mocha cream, and the caramel one–that was good. I think the people are friendly. It’s a friendly restaurant, the people always want to talk to you.
Continue reading “Coffee in Worcester: Boston Donuts”

Coffee in Worcester: Acoustic Java

Jacob Berendes has convinced us to post a Worcester coffee review once a week. Let’s see how long this lasts.

This discussion is about Acoustic Java, 932a Main Street near Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts. 508.756.9446.

Bruce at Acoustic Java
Bruce at Acoustic Java

Here’s an audio clip (mp3) of us discussing youth soccer and Motörhead, to give you a feel of how the transcription differs from what was said. (Other audio formats.)

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Pie and Coffee: How’s it going, Bruce?

Bruce: Pretty good.

What’s your impression of Acoustic Java?

Very nice. Very relaxing. I’ve always heard about that place, in advertisements, but never really actually got there till today.
Continue reading “Coffee in Worcester: Acoustic Java”

Another year, another prayer breakfast

This morning was the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast in Worcester.

Like last year’s, it happened to fall during Ramadan. The speaker was Ingrid Mattson, president of the Islamic Society of North America, and a convert from Catholicism to Islam. She talked about Islamic ethics and the potential for peaceful coexistence between people of different faiths.

(In this, she seemed to differ from a Muslim-turned-Christian who Mike Schorsch heard speak recently.)

Hermis Yanis taped her talk, and the following discussion, for his TV show. I hope we can post some clips soon.

In the aftermath of the pope’s Regensburg lecture, it would have been nice had there been a Catholic clergyman at the podium at some point, but no such luck. (The bishop was there, of course.)

Tom Lewis, Harry Duchesne, Michael Boover at the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast

Worcester’s Catholic Workers were remarkably well-represented at the breakfast. Above, Tom Lewis, Harry Duchesne, and Mike Boover ruminate. Below, Bruce glows after drinking way too much coffee.

Tom Lewis & Bruce Russell

Coffee in Worcester: Part Three

A special Pie and Coffee videocast—or as Bruce would say, a viteocast.

Video: Download the MPEG4 (78 MB). More formats at the Internet Archive.

Featuring: Mike Benedetti, Bruce (“The Snow Ghost”), Kevin Ksen, and Ken Hannaford-Ricardi

  • First on the agenda is A&D Coffee & Lunch X-Press, on Pleasant Street. Carl Weaver has an interview with proprietor Ali Khalaf, and another video of Mr. Khalaf reading a poem about Hurrican Katrina.
  • Kevin sees Dunkin Donuts as being “anti-immigrant,” and Ken thinks they sometimes exploit their workers.
  • Mike and Bruce also went to Eric’s LaPatisserie on Commercial Street. Worcester Magazine interviewed Eric last year.
  • The White Hen is still Bruce’s favorite Worcester coffee.
  • Everyone gossips about Java Joe’s, which is Bruce’s main hangout.
  • Mike tells the story of Dave Maciewski and Napoleon Dynamite.
  • Bruce comes up with a mix of songs that will turn Worcester’s mayor into a metal fan.
  • Bruce mentions his new track, “Once Upon a Time on a Water Lily.” Jacob Berendes describes Bruce’s demo CD as “totally ruling.” {{{5MB mp3}}}
  • Mike reads part of Harsh Truths About Catholicism.
  • Bruce thinks people have the wrong idea about King Diamond.
  • Ken & Bruce support access to clean needles, and have some suggestions on how it should work.
  • Mike dismisses the risk of discarded needles, but Ken & Bruce see them around their neighborhoods.
  • Mike thinks that needle legalization means an individual can now do informal needle exchange, and that if the Main South Alliance for Public Safety supports public safety, that they’ll start a needle exchange project.
  • The sound isn’t very good on this recording, and Bruce’s parting words are especially inaudible:

    There’s just one more quote about Tim Murray’s response about not liking metal. Hands up to the man. He’s not British.

Coffee in Downtown Worcester

Bruce Last week, Bruce and I walked across town to visit the much-lauded Billy Goat Beanery coffeehouse. They were closed. (The Pulse thinks they’re out of business, but the woman in the bookstore below the coffeehouse told us they’re negotiating a new lease and will be back soon. Update: The old Billy Goat is now the Belfry Cafe. Check out Bruce’s review.)

We had a lukewarm cup of coffee at a nearby restaurant. Nothing to write home about.

But this gives us an excuse to post an interview we did with Bruce a few months ago about the coffee of downtown Worcester, Mass.
Continue reading “Coffee in Downtown Worcester”