
Jim Fussell has updated his essay Fasting as a Method for Opposing Genocide in Darfur. It lists some of the people who’ve fasted on this issue and considers the purposes of political fasts:

In fasting in response to genocide the gravity of the response begins to suggest the magnitude of the crisis. Public fasting causes spectators to become witness to nearby suffering, reminding them of a greater suffering occurring at a distance. Fasting has the power to rouse the onlookers from apathy to action.

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Botox: Cosmetic or Chemical Weapon?

Botox: Cosmetic or Chemical Weapon? is a forceful Christian critique of vanity and violence in the form of a crazy tract. It was written by Mike Ciul and designed by Jim Speer. They hail from Philadelphia, a city of many crazy tracts.

  • Download “Botox” (.pdf file, 183KB), suitable for printing on letter-size paper, 2 tracts to a page

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