Worcester Catholic Worker community celebrates 30 years on Mason Street

Today we’re celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Saints Francis and Thérèse Catholic Worker community.


Folks from far and wide packed the backyard at 52 Mason Street tonight for a mass marking the 30th anniversary of the Saints Francis and Thérèse Catholic Worker community. Mass was celebrated by Father Madden from St. John’s.


It was fantastic to see so many Central Massachusetts lay Catholic communities represented, as well as so many people from other communities of faith and action.


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Discussion Series: Catholic Social Teaching

7-9pm, five consecutive Wednesdays starting September 12, 2012. At SS. Francis & Therese Catholic Worker, 52 Mason St, Worcester, Massachusetts.

This fall, the Worcester Catholic Worker community is offering a series of weekly round-table discussions on the rich and evolving tradition of Catholic social teaching. Catholic Worker academics Michael Boover and Marc Tumeinski will give an introductory presentation.

Schedule of Presentations

  • Sept. 12: General introduction to the social teachings, their origin and themes
  • Sept. 19: Dignity and the Common Good
  • Sept. 26: Family Life, Property ownership
  • October 3: (The Feast of the Transitus) Sr. Rena Mae Gagnon of the Little Franciscans of Mary will present on St. Francis as an example of a preferential option for the poor.
  • October 10: Colonialism/Economic Development/Disarmament

For more than 120 years, Catholic popes, bishops, and Church Councils have issued documents on the social and political challenges of our time, including economic justice, nuclear disarmament, and the right relationships between individuals, communities, and their governments. But these critiques, seldom preached from the pulpit, are unknown to many Catholics and non-Catholics alike.

For example, did you know that in 1967 a papal encyclical warned about the problems of multi-nationals, free trade, and the growing divide between rich and poor? Or that way back in 1891 a pope advocated a living wage for workers?

We will look at the major themes and principles of Catholic social teaching and their expression in social movements and the lives of the saints. There will be ample time for discussion following each presentation, and of course refreshments. All are invited.

So if you are feeling discouraged by election rhetoric and the silence of many church leaders on social justice, then join us in the upstairs kitchen of 52 Mason Street as we consider life-giving concepts like the common good, solidarity, subsidiarity, and the dignity of the human person.

For updates, call 508-753-3588.

Celebrate Advent with Agape Dec 3: “Gandhi Visits Occupy Wall Street”

“Gandhi Visits Occupy Wall Street”
Annual Agape Advent Evening

Saturday, December 3, 5:30pm
2062 Greenwich Road, Ware, MA

George Pattery, SJ, a Jesuit from Calcutta, will speak. He is currently teaching a course on Gandhi and Religion at Holy Cross.

(This event conflicts with the Stone Soup anniversary party, unfortunately.)

Remembering Father Bernie July 10

Claire writes to remind us: “The SS. Francis and Therese Catholic Worker is hosting an informal gathering to commemorate the wonderful, holy life of Father Bernie Gilgun, friend of the poor and spiritual advisor to many Catholic Workers.”

Sunday, July 10 (Father Bernie’s birthday)
2:00 pm
SS Francis and Therese Catholic Worker
52 Mason Street
Worcester, MA

“Bring your favorite stories and photos of Bernie.” There will be light refreshments.

Apropos of this, here’s a video of me menacing Fr. Bernie with an accordion at a mass at the 2006 Worcester Catholic Worker gathering, which also doubled as a birthday celebration for him that year:

Retreat on Christian nonviolence, Oct 29-31

Father Charlie McCarthy is giving a retreat on Christian nonviolence at Anna Maria College in Paxton next month. I’ve been on this retreat before, and recommend it.

As a preview, you can listen to recordings of his retreat Behold the Lamb and his series Questions & Answers on Gospel Nonviolence.
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CROP Walk in San Pedro

Howdy folks. This Sunday, April 29, I’ll be participating in the Peninsula Harbor CROP Walk. This is a 10-km walk around the streets of fabulous San Pedro, California to raise funds for Church World Service’s interfaith efforts to fight world and local hunger. My sister is a high school teacher and is heading a team of some of her students called Team Jester (after the St. Joseph’s HS mascot). You can find out more about Church World Service here.

Donation is easy! Just follow this link and you will be taken to my personal donation page where you can make a secure online credit card donation. Donations of any amount are appreciated.

I used to do the Long Beach CROP Walk every year when I was a little kid and it was always a happy event.