
Henri Nouwen: The other morning, one of the Catholic Workers here was using her morning personal time to make a bunch of phone calls on behalf of a very troubled woman who showed up at the door.

As a show of support, and in case I suddenly became useful, I hung around, drinking coffee and skimming Michael O’Laughlin’s biography of Henri Nouwen. This passage jumped out at me:

The contours of Nouwen’s life were indeed interesting. Although he became a well-known spiritual writer, Nouwen did not embrace the lifestyle of a media-savvy author or pundit. In fact, he declined most of the many speaking invitations he received, and he abandoned his academic appointments, first at Yale, then at Harvard, in order to seek a more clearly spiritual way of life. His first radical step in this direction was to immerse himself in the meditative silence of a Cistercian monastery. Later, he went to the Third World to live as a missionary and worked in a shantytown near Lima, Peru.

While both of these experiences broadened his outlook and added new dimensions to his writing and teaching, Henri Nouwen did not find what he was seeking in either of these settings. He longed for some more satisfying form of life and ministry that would ground him spiritually and give him the feeling of having “arrived home.” Nouwen was searching for some place or situation that might offer him intimacy, continuity, and acceptance.

I know how he felt.
Continue reading “Items”


Jan Griffiths: There was a second prayer vigil for Jan Griffiths yesterday.

Catholic Worker blocks garbage truck: Catholic Worker Liza Apper of the Fresno CW interfered with the city’s attempt to roust a bunch of homeless people, as pictured below. Indymedia and ABC have the story.

When I visited the Fresno CW a couple years ago, they were running a soup line outside the county jail, and had a pretty good rapport with the police. Liza told me how the experience had changed her: “I realized that the Body of Christ is more than just liberals and poor people.”

Liza Apper blocks a garbage truck in Fresno
Photo: Indymedia

Paxton vs. Lukes: WCCA has posted the video of City Councilor Konnie Lukes interviewing Brendan “Buck Paxton” Mellican. I was disappointed that the first topic of discussion was not CitySquare or the idiocy of the City Council, but instead ICANN.

CPF on BBC: Mike Schorsch was interviewed by the BBC for a program you can listen to on-line. (You can listen to it, but I can’t; those confounded limeys use the Real Audio format.) Mike is involved with both the Catholic Peace Fellowship and GI Rights hotline.

Worcester graffiti: Indymedia has a nice story about my main man Asa Needle and his dad cleaning up sidewalk graffiti outside a boarding house run by the social service agency SMOC.

Worcester money: Indymedia also has a list of the top 100 best-paid city employees. The only two non-cops in the top 25 are the City Manager and the Superintendant of Schools. The best-paid woman seems to be Helen A. Friel at #54.


Flickr: Photos of San Francisco’s homeless. Less dramatic: my South Bend photo stream.

COPS: The TV show “COPS” has been taping in Worcester, and reports are flooding in that the taping has had a major impact on the behavior of the local police. Indymedia is covering some of the opposition to this foolishness. Buck Paxton shares the concern, but writes:

I’m not a big protest guy preferring instead to take down my adversaries with tried and true methods such as kidnapping, torture and assassination.

Worcester: Today the Telegram notes that over-the-counter needle sales are now legal in Massachusetts, and that Worcester City Councilor Barbara Haller opposes this move.

Los Angeles: P&C friend Julia Scott is now writing for the LA Daily News.

St. Joseph County Public Library CardSouth Bend Library: I have a “temporary” St. Joseph County Public Library card. I am told that the policy here is for people living in known homeless shelters to be limited to checking out 2 books. The Catholic Worker residences in South Bend are relatively new, and I haven’t checked to see if they’re on the “you are a bunch of lying thieves” list.

As of today, the library computers are banned from contacting BoingBoing because Smartfilter considers it to be “nudity.” Smartfilter is stupid, stupid, stupid. For now, I’ll be reading BB with a web-based RSS reader. Google’s cached version of “BOING BOING’S GUIDE TO DEFEATING CENSORWARE” pointed me to, which seems to have solved this problem.

Speaking of which, might as well link to their post on the 95 Theses of Geek Activism.

Censorware at the St. Joseph County Public Library


Greetings from West Virginia, home of beautiful mountains and dial-up Internet access.

Mr. Hetero: The T&G had an update last week:

WORCESTER— Pastor Thomas Crouse of Holland, who brought his controversial Mr. Heterosexual contest to Worcester, is suing the city for expenses surrounding a police detail he says he was forced to endure. The city claims it never charged Mr. Crouse for the detail.

Lots of he-said-she-said. Note that “forced to endure” seems a bit strong, considering that Mr. Crouse revelled in the police detail at the time.

Google: worcester library homeless, someone googled, and got the IMC article just ahead of a copy of the T&G article (as well they should), with P&C in third place for local reports. Why is the now-free-to-the-general-public T&G website itself not on the first page of the rankings?

Eggs: Adam Durand, who was jailed for rescuing dying hens from a factory farm, was released pending appeal after being in jail for a month. If you haven’t already, check out the movie he made about conditions at the Wegmans egg farm.
Continue reading “Items”


I’m getting ready to move this week. Right after Independence Day I’ll be spending a little time with family, then I’ll spend the rest of the summer at the Catholic Worker community in South Bend, Indiana.

(I am mildly excited to be moving to Chocola County.)

Cleaning out the attic has also inspired me to clean out my e-mail. I have 28 e-mails still on my “action needed” list, the earliest being an e-mail from this January from Kaihsu titled “Ken Wilber vs Herman Dooyeweerd.”

Pictured: Two more things to move–Happy Birthday Mike Leslie “rent club” poster, and a painting by John Guida.

Chart: This video of a talk by Hans Rosling features some fantastic animated data.

Not guilty: Catholic Worker Jim Dowling found not guilty in Brisbane “on June 1 on a charge of obstructing police when they arrested him last year at a public debate about civil liberties.”
Continue reading “Items”

Clowns, nukes, and other items

Plowshares: Boing Boing mentions a Plowshares action by Greg Boertje-Obed, Carl Kabat, and Michael Walli. They hammered on a silo and spread their blood about while dressed as clowns.

If I could Update my comment on Boing Boing, it would read:

. . . hammering on a missile silo is meant to be purely a symbolic act.

The interplay of symbolism and practicality is what makes these sorts of actions tricky to write about.

Tom Lewis points out that this is the third time Carl Kabat has tried to sabotage a missile while dressed as a clown.

Mike: I met Carl Kabat once, for ten seconds.

Scott: You’re doing pretty good—I met him once for ten minutes!

Claire: I think I met Carl Kabat once. He’s always in jail.
Continue reading “Clowns, nukes, and other items”


In an attempt to slim down “Items,” I’ve added a sidebar of “Worcester News.” (One of these days I’ll rip off Bory Kem and title it “Worcester News For All To Learn.”)

Nunavut: Zack forwards this depressing New York Times report: “7 Years Into Self-Rule, Inuit Are Struggling.”

Darfur vigil: Jay McGinley continues a “22 hour a day” vigil at the White House for Darfur that he’s been keeping since May 14, 2006.

Indymedia: Most of the feeds on our local Indymedia are broken. I live half of my life in RSS, so I made some screen-scraped feeds with a commercial service. Maybe you’ll find them helpful.

The incoming feed contains lots of cross-posted chaff that has nothing to do with Worcester, and is destined to be sorted as “Contributions From Elsewhere.”

Dave Winer suggests describing RSS as “automated web surfing” when addressing a non-technical audience.
Continue reading “Items”

Bloomsday approaches, and other items

I’ll be in Worcester for a couple more weeks, then in South Bend for most of the summer. There follow some items about this fine city.

Television: I agree with Big Dog.

The WCCA TV13 video stream is back, hopefully in a new, stable configuration. Check it out.

Crime: Today I was walking down the street with my friend when we saw a guy we know from the neighborhood, a former guest at the Catholic Worker, being questioned by cops. Then they cuffed him.

My friend approached the cops and said, “I know that guy, can I talk to him?” A cop said, “No, we’re arresting him.” Then they took him away.

Bloomsday approaches: The 16th is Bloomsday, when we Joyce-lovers celebrate Ulysses. The Worcester County Poetry Association has plenty going on in Worcester.
Continue reading “Bloomsday approaches, and other items”

Tech notes

WordPress 2.0.3: Yesterday, Michael P. upgraded the site. There’s a new spam filter, so I’m no longer blacklisting any comment words.

Events: You’ll notice a list of upcoming events in the sidebar. You can submit your events to; or, you can register for an account on the site, and add your own events. Events about pie, coffee, religion, hospitality, and activism are appropriate. Since the editor of P&C is, at least nominally, an anarchist vegan pacifist Catholic West Virginian, he’d rather not list events that are fascist, pro-animal-suffering, violent, anti-Catholic, or anti-Appalachian.

I used RS Event to add events metadata to posts, and Category Visibility-RH to keep posts that are only in the “Events” category from appearing on the front page or in the RSS.
Continue reading “Tech notes”