The day you’ve been waiting for: Happy Birthday Mike Leslie, Worcester’s newest visionary junk shop, opens today. I stopped by the in the morning to drop off a copy of Stale Urine’s Bachelor Party! They weren’t open yet.
(I’m hoping to see the use of the Flickr tag happybirthdaymikeleslie explode.)
Update: Stopped by again this afternoon, and they were open. Dropped off the CD. The place is magnificent. Scored some good stuff (pictured) for $7.
Golden Pizza burns: Looks like a fire hit the Golden Pizza on Chandler near Mason this morning.
Animals: Erik Marcus has a podcast about anger and activism. He thinks that because there’s so much to be angry about, unless you can deal with these negative feelings you’ll get worn down. How does Erik deal with his anger over Adam Durand getting 6 months for documenting a cruel egg farm? By doing a literary analysis of the judge’s statement. That, and thinking about Mr Rogers.
Catholicism: Apparently, to win the “Left Behind” video game, you have to convert or kill Catholics and non-Christians. The Book of Revelation, like the rest of the Bible, has lots of irony, and I wouldn’t be surprised if during the end times a bunch of uniforms and guns dropped from the sky, and Christian gangs took them and began a slaughter. I can picture one guy stopping for a moment and noticing the patches on his friend’s blood-spattered uniform: “Hey, our unit number is six-six-six . . . .”
Anyhow, before exterminating Catholics, you might want to learn the real story from “Harsh Truths About Catholicism“:
CLAIM: The inverted cross on some papal decorations shows the Catholic Church’s devotion to Satan.
This is false. The inverted cross actually shows the pope’s dedication to Danish heavy metal band Mercyful Fate.