
The day you’ve been waiting for: Happy Birthday Mike Leslie, Worcester’s newest visionary junk shop, opens today. I stopped by the in the morning to drop off a copy of Stale Urine’s Bachelor Party! They weren’t open yet.

(I’m hoping to see the use of the Flickr tag happybirthdaymikeleslie explode.)


IMG_0007Update: Stopped by again this afternoon, and they were open. Dropped off the CD. The place is magnificent. Scored some good stuff (pictured) for $7.

Golden Pizza burns: Looks like a fire hit the Golden Pizza on Chandler near Mason this morning.


Animals: Erik Marcus has a podcast about anger and activism. He thinks that because there’s so much to be angry about, unless you can deal with these negative feelings you’ll get worn down. How does Erik deal with his anger over Adam Durand getting 6 months for documenting a cruel egg farm? By doing a literary analysis of the judge’s statement. That, and thinking about Mr Rogers.

Catholicism: Apparently, to win the “Left Behind” video game, you have to convert or kill Catholics and non-Christians. The Book of Revelation, like the rest of the Bible, has lots of irony, and I wouldn’t be surprised if during the end times a bunch of uniforms and guns dropped from the sky, and Christian gangs took them and began a slaughter. I can picture one guy stopping for a moment and noticing the patches on his friend’s blood-spattered uniform: “Hey, our unit number is six-six-six . . . .”

Anyhow, before exterminating Catholics, you might want to learn the real story from “Harsh Truths About Catholicism“:

CLAIM: The inverted cross on some papal decorations shows the Catholic Church’s devotion to Satan.

This is false. The inverted cross actually shows the pope’s dedication to Danish heavy metal band Mercyful Fate.

South Bend zoning news for May 2006

From today’s South Bend Tribune:

  • The Board of Zoning Appeals has approved of a request by the South Bend Catholic Worker to have their house at 515 S. St. Joseph Street be a group residence.
  • The BZA has denied a request by Opus Dei to raze a building, replace it with two smaller ones, and change the zoning. The article cites a laundry list of objections, but the one that leaps out at me is that the change would conflict with “neighborhood redevelopment plans.” Woe to anyone in South Bend who would make use of a lot in some way not envisioned by the neighborhood redevelopment plan. What would Jane Jacobs think of this foolishness?

Continue reading “South Bend zoning news for May 2006”

“Copyright & Culture” June 8

Nick NassarNick Nassar will be giving a talk on “Copyright & Culture” June 8, 7:30pm, at 52 Mason St, Worcester, Massachusetts.

He’ll look at the ethics of copyright, and how current trends in copyright law hurt individual freedom and society.

This talk is free and open to the public. Spirited discussion and refreshments will follow. Sponsored by the Saints Francis & Therese Catholic Worker community.

Nick is the lead developer for the free, open-source Democracy video player, a project of the non-profit Participatory Culture Foundation.
Continue reading ““Copyright & Culture” June 8″

Technology items

Class: May 15 I’m teaching a free class called “HTML for Activists.” This will be an hour-long introduction to HTML, focused on practical matters. If you’re interested, meet at 7pm at the statue of Freud on the main quad of Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts.

Happy Birthday Mike LeslieFlickr: The new cool tag: happybirthdaymikeleslie.

Conference: As someone who doesn’t own a laptop, I’ll probably be the only person at tomorrow’s Beyond Broadcast conference doing less blogging than usual during the event.

Second Life and Darfur: The BB conference also has a presence in Second Life. Mr Paulukonis points out that there’s been some fighting in Second Life about Darfur, and that Ethan Zuckerman (who will be at BB) thinks the whole thing is irrelevant at best:

When I consider the issues I’m most interested in, collecting information – especially from people who are actually affected by these issues – is a much higher priority than presenting this data in a 3D format. Given that roughly 100,000 people log into Second Life in a given month – compared to roughly one billion using the Internet as a whole – I suspect people trying to call attention to global issues are better off making a website than a 3D space.

Nun: Nice article in Whispers about Sister Rose Thering, whose life work was “to promote greater understanding in the often-strained relationships between Christians and Jews.”

Dude: Through some Drupal site I found a microformats site, whereby I found this microformats podcast featuring Rohit. Dude, it is weird to stumble upon someone like that.

Iocane powder and other items

Happy Birthday Mike Leslie: is happening. See the homepage.

Stop the RIAA: A couple local college students are being sued for downloading music. The EFF says:

We oppose the recording industry’s decision to attack the public, bankrupt its customers and offer false amnesty to those who would impugn themselves. We call instead for a real amnesty: the development of a legal alternative that preserves file-sharing technology while ensuring that artists are fairly compensated.

Conference: I’ll be at Beyond Broadcast next weekend in Cambridge. Like physically there, not virtually there.

Animals: A guy who removed some dying chickens from an egg farm has been acquitted of felony charges. And Dan “Bizarro” Piraro has a movie (.mov) of a talking pig with a goatee explaining physiology.

Retail: A reader sends in this story of people dressing up like Best Buy clerks and infiltrating a store.

Iocane powder: Best stencil ever, via BrewLog.


Signs: An AP photo from McGovern’s arrest, featuring Worcester’s Scott Schaeffer-Duffy. Good job on the signs.

Continue reading “Iocane powder and other items”


Darfur on TV: An old interview with me about Darfur airs on WCCA‘s “Flipside” Monday, May 1 at 7:30pm. Reairs Tuesday, May 2 at 11am; Wednesday, May 3 at 9:30pm; and Thursday, May 4 at 1:30pm. This was taped a month ago, just before our last Darfur civil disobedience. Some parts of it, like my appeal to Jim McGovern to do more on Darfur, are a bit out of date.

Collapsing Iran: John Robb predicts that the US will use air power to destroy Iran’s infrastructure, with the goal of driving the country into chaos. This is different from terrorism how?

Saint Kermit: The Worcester County podcasters interview some of the candidates for Lieutenant Governor, including Worcester Mayor Tim Murray.

Zack in China: A “taxonomy” of vegetarian restaurants.

Rocketboom: This episode is downright Warholian. Right out of Warhol’s screen tests.
Continue reading “Items”

Spring in Worcester, and other items

Spring in Worcester, by Claire Schaeffer-DuffyAh, another Spring day in Worcester. The kids are out of school this week. Yesterday morning a bunch of men and little kids were playing baseball in Austin Street, pausing the game when a car approached.

Last week was the seventeenth anniversary of the death of Worcester native Abbie Hoffman.


When he appeared before the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities — after his red, white and blue American flag shirt had been ripped from his back — Hoffman remarked: “I regret I have but one shirt to give for my country.”

WFMU: Abbie Hoffman Makes Gefilte Fish.

This weekend I got a letter from one of my elected officials with an interesting bit of information that I was asked to keep confidential. A similar thing happened last month, when someone I don’t know wrote an e-mail about an interesting project that I was asked to keep secret.

I love to be in the loop. I love to know secrets. But I think it’s best to check with the person first, to call or e-mail and say, “If I tell you something, could you keep it secret?” Otherwise, you’re coercing the other person.
Continue reading “Spring in Worcester, and other items”

Holy Thursday and other items

39 million without access to treatmentHoly Thursday AIDS action: This afternoon some Clark and St Michael’s students went to the local office of Abbott Laboratories dressed up as bunnies and carrying 4,000 black plastic eggs. They delivered 300 letters asking Abbott to make one of their AIDS drugs available to all of the developing world, as they’ve done in South Africa. An Abbott guy gave them the name of someone they can discuss the issue with, so the demo had a happy ending.

I made a short movie of the events (WMV, 1.9MB).

Easter Bunny at Abbott Labs

Update: NECN video clip of the event. I like how the anchor says they were “rotten” eggs, then Andy Lacombe clarifies that they were plastic. There’s no way there were 8,000, though.
Continue reading “Holy Thursday and other items”