Niniane, child prodigy and an old friend of the Pie and Coffee gang, is working out of Google’s China office and blogging about it.
Worcester Movies Weekly: Nobody else in town seems to be doing the web + print thing as well as this publication.
I picked up this month-old copy today. Problem: there’s no mention of the date until page 6! Presumably they’ve fixed this since then.
I have another article about local media at the Worcester Activist blog, now more or less “launched.” They also have an events calendar, wiki directory of organizations, and a place to post comments about T&G articles.
MassResistance Watch comments on an event where gay marriage foes kept drifting into the pro-gay-marriage area:
I guess I could understand the Vote on Marriage people wanting to sit on our side since their side had Larry Cirignano . . . .
Why does Cory Doctorow hate America? Interview via Bruce Sterling:
The American lifestyle frankly sucks. The media is generally shit. The food stinks.