From last night’s agenda, submitted with commentary by Anonymous Reader.
8d. Councilor Barbara G. Haller request to install Designated Sticker Parking on the west side of Sever St. along the property of the Worcester Tennis Club, May 1st through November 1st, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., 7 days per week.
ok… so looks like the Worcester Tennis Club crowd doesn’t want to have to walk past too many Becker student cars in their white tennis shorts to get to the Sever St. clay courts.
9b. FROM THE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE AND DEVELOPMENT – Request City Manager report to City Council how many artists are estimated to be living within the City of Worcester as part of the artist study being conducted by the Main South CDC.
10a. Request City Manager investigate the possibility of purchasing simultaneous interpreter equipment in an effort to create greater opportunities for communication with the multifarious linguistically challenged populace in Worcester and Municipal government. (Toomey)
10j. Request the City Manager request the Police Chief to consider the benefits of acquiring and installing software currently in use in the state of Oregon and in other countries that pinpoints vehicles as they are tailgating other moving vehicles, issues citations and generates revenue. Said software is being considered for use in Arizona, New Mexico and Tennessee, also. (Toomey)
I think Kate Toomey and Gary Rosen, both of whom I kinda like, run neck and neck as the Councilor most likely to stumble upon something on the internet and turn it into a Council motion. It’ll be interesting to see what kind of equipment is out there to assist our linguistically challenged Municipal government. Wouldn’t our hiring City Hall employees more representative of our City residents and immigrant communities be a different way to go?
17i. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON RULES AND REGULATIONS Upon the Order of Mayor Raymond Mariano and Councilors Paul Clancy, Jr., Steven Patton, Juan Gomez, Joseph Petty, Janice Nadeau, Dennis Irish, Timothy Murray, Stephen Abraham, Konstantina Lukes, and Michael Perotto request the City Council establish goals for appointment to the Library Board of Trustees including district representation and appropriate representation for under represented groups: recommend Order be placed on file.
This item goes back to Jan 2, 2001…..hmmm. Either the Library isn’t a priority or the Comittee on Rules and Regulations only meets occasionally. (i.e. danger of Konnie Lukes becoming Mayor) So let’s see,
Mayor Raymond Mariano—GONE
Councilors Paul Clancy, Jr.—Still here
Steven Patton—GONE
Juan Gomez—GONE
Joseph Petty—Still here
Janice Nadeau—Deceased for several years
Dennis Irish—GONE
Timothy Murray—Leaving
Stephen Abraham—GONE
Konstantina Lukes—Rising Star
Michael Perotto—Not GONE yet
yup ….. good example of City Government at work.